February 2021 archive

commenting guidelines


Hello readers,

in class, we are learning how to comment properly.

we were also asked to rank comments from best to worst.

i think that number one was the worst because it had hi instead of dear and it did not have any capitals in the right spot and the spelling was incorrect. Also it used numbers to shorten words.

i think number six is the next worst one because it is of subject and is very random.

the next one is number seven because it is just one sentence and it dose not say who it is from and who it is going to.

the next one is number four because it dose not say who it is to and lots of the spelling is wrong so it clearly was not double checked.

number eight is next but it is good it is just off topic.

number five is next and i think it is good it just dose not have any questions.

next is five and two and i think they are both really good and use good punctuation.

Country of focus  – China

~this is chinas flag

~China is located on the continent of Asia.

~Beijing is the capital city of China.

~China is in the northern hemisphere.

~in China there are over one billion people.

~in China the language spoken is Mandarin 

~a connection that china has with Australia is that they are on the same side of the globe.

~and interesting fact about china is that pandas are from there.

~there are fourteen countries that share the border with china some of them are Afghanistan, India, Nepal, North 

Korea and Vietnam.

My new avatar!

hello readers,

i just wanted to say that i have a new avatar, i made it of a really good website called avatar maker.

here is the link:


i hope that you like my avatar, it looks like me because i have brown hair and blue eyes. 🌿 thank you for reading my post! 🌱

My first blog!

hello everyone,

my name is Alice

I love dogs, surfing and the colour blue. My favourite food is pasta. I have a puppy who is almost one. my favourite school subject is Art. I am in grade six and i am 11 years old.

i am looking forward to making blogs about lots of things and making sure that they are good!